Dear Teacher, 


This website is especially made for learners of the bilingual educational system. That is why the name of the site is BEmath: Bilingual Education math. 

You can use the site in combination with your book (numbers and space) or you can use the site without the use of any books. 

This page will explain the structure of the site, the final assignment, the in-depth path and how you can use it effectively. 

If you have any questions and/or tips please contact me! 


Kind regards, 


S. Kavelaars 


For now, there is only one chapter available, chapter 6. This chapter consists of 6 paragraphs, all paragraphs have the same structure. The main paragraph, for instance paragraph 6.1, begins with  "learning objectives" and a "which level of difficulty should you choose" exercise. 

Learning objectives

Which level of difficulty should you choose? exercise 

After reading the learning objectives and doing the which level of difficulty should you choose? exercise, the learners are able to pick one of the difficulties. There are three levels of difficulty: The supporting path, the normal path and the in-depth pathIf the learners did the exercise well, they can choose for the normal path, or if they really understood the theory they can choose for the in-depth path. If the learner failed to do the exercise, it is wise to choose for the supporting path.  It is important to let the learners pick their path because, this helps to increase students autonomy. 

Structure supporting-, normal- and in-depth path 

The structure of the supporting-, normal- and in-depth path is the same. We are going to look at the normal path of 6.1 squares. Every sub-paragraph starts with theory. The theory is enclosed with a red dotted line. Under the theory you will find examples and sometimes even extra examples. The examples are enclosed with grey lines. Under the examples there are exercises, those exercises are enclosed with green dotted lines. The learners can check their answers themselves by clicking on the answer button. 




In-depth path

The in-depth path provides additional DIFFERENT information on top of the minimum learning objectives. Therefore, the in-depth path always starts with additional learning objectives. The learners will get some new theory, which they are not going to learn in higher grades. This new theory is additional to the "normal" theory, so the learners need to understand the "normal" theory in order to understand the in-depth one. 

Topics In-depth path:

6.1 squares -- complex numbers -- square root of negative numbers

6.2 Quadratic formulas -- unfortunately, there is no in-depth path yet -- suggestions? please contact me

6.2 Graphs -- unfortunately, there is no in-depth path yet -- suggestions? please contact me

6.4 Calculations with letters -- Fibonacci, Lucas numbers, golden ratio -- everything in combination with letters. 

6.5 Simplifying expressions -- Mathemagic -- solving a card trick with the use of math and letters. 

6.6 Simplifying fractions -- lens formula physics -- write the lens formula in different ways.

Final assignments

Each paragraph has a final assignment, which tests the abilities of the learners in a formative way. You as teacher can also choose to use the final assignments as a summative assessment. 

At the end of the paragraphs the learners can choose between two or three final assignments. After doing the final assignments the learners can see if they have achieved the learning objectives. 

Because of bilingual education the final assignments are as CLIL (content learning and integrated language) as possible. The 21st century skills are also taken into account. 

Symbols final assignments

Each final assignment contributes to the English participation of the student, the personal development or world citizenship. There are symbols used to show the learners what they are working on.

Personal development 


World citizenship

Why BEmath? 

BEmath helps you to differentiate within your class. There are minimum learning objectives, so all learners need to achieve the same minimum level. The ones who are choosing for the in-depth path will learn something additional to the paragraph, which they won't learn in a higher grade. The final assignments really motivate the learners to do math in a different way. 

You can choose to use the website alone or in combination with the book. You can also use the site only for its in-depth path or for the learners to study at home. I prefer to give a little explanation (max. 5 min) to introduce the paragraph. Afterwards I tell my learners to read the learning objectives and to do the which level of difficulty should you choose exercise. After doing this the are able to choose one of the paths. 


Hopefully, you will choose to work with BEmath. The (only?) website for bilingual education mathematics. If you have any suggestions, tips or reviews, please contact me.