6.4 FINAL ASSIGNMENTS calculations with letters
You have completed paragraph 6.4 Calculations with letters if you have done one of the final assignments below. There are two different final assignments and you need to do at least one of them, which one you do is up to you! After you have done the assignment you need to hand it in.
The final assignment will check if you achieved the learning objectives of 6.4 Calculations with letters.
Everything for the in-depth path is made pink.

Learning objectives 6.4
At the end of this paragraph you are able to...
- ... explain what like terms are.
- ... add like terms.
- ... simplify products with the use of like terms.
- ... simplify expressions with the use of like terms.
Extra learning objectives (in-depth path)
At the end of this paragraph you are able to...
...explain what the Fibonacci sequence is.
...explain what the Lucas sequence is.
...calculate with the Fibonacci sequence.
...calculate with the Lucas sequence.
...use letters instead of numbers with the Fibonacci sequence.
...explain what the golden ratio is.
...explain where you can see the golden ratio.
Final assignments
You need to do at least one of the two assignments. You may choose which one you are going to do. Pay attention if you are allowed to work together or not!
Option 1:

Maximum of 2 learners
You are going to make a video clip with a minimum of 5 minutes.
In this video clip you are going to explain what like terms are. You are also going to explain how you can add those like terms and how you can multiply with them.
You are going to explain Fibonacci, the golden ratio and the Lucas sequence as well.
What needs to be present in your video?
- The video has a minimum of 5 minutes.
- Before you are going to make the video you are going to make a plan, you need to do this on paper and you need to hand this in as well.
- If you decide to make the video in groups of two, you both need to be in the video and you both need to talk equally long.
- You need to use daily life examples.
- You may not use any examples from the book or from the website.
- There need to be at least three exercises with answers in the video.
- You need to explain those "difficult" words in English: Like terms, sum, product, simplifying.
- Explain what the Fibonacci sequence and the Lucas sequence is.
- Explain what the golden ratio is.
- Explain where you can see the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ration in your daily life.
- Give examples of the Lucas sequence with letters.
- Phone or camera.
- Paper
- Laptop
You may use everything you need, be creative.
Hand your video in:
When you are done you need to hand the video in.
Option 2:

Maximum of 1 learner
You are going to make 6 pictures/memes about calculations with letters for Instagram.
You need to explain in these pictures what like terms are, how you can add those like terms and how you can multiply with them. You may make 6 individual pictures/memes or you may make 6 related pictures/memes.
What needs to be present in the pictures/memes:
-There are 6 pictures/memes which have the shape of a square.
- Before you are going to make the pictures/memes you are going to make a plan, you need to do this on paper and you need to hand this in as well.
- You need to use daily life examples.
- You may not use any examples from the book or from the website.
- You may not use any pictures/memes that already exist because of copyright.
- There need to be at least three exercises with answers in your pictures/memes
- You need to explain those "difficult" words in English (you could also do this in the description of your picture/meme) : Like terms, sum, product, simplifying.
- Explain what the Fibonacci sequence and the Lucas sequence is.
- Explain what the golden ratio is.
- Explain where you can see the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ration in your daily life.
- Give examples of the Lucas sequence with letters.
- Phone or camera
- Laptop
- Paper
You may use everything you need, be creative.
Hand your memes/pictures in:
Hand the memes/pictures and your plan in.