Learning objectives

At the end of this chapter you are able to...

...convert into algebraic form. 

...form equations. 

...solve problems using equations. 

...find an unknown from a formula. 

...solve linear inequations. 

Explanation videos 

Writing equations

You can use equations to solve many problems. Therefore, this video is all about writing those equations. Watch the video underneath if you want to know how to solve those equations. There are some things that are very important when applying equations. 

Applying equations

In this video you will find out the answers of the video about writing equations. You will see how you can apply equations in your daily life to solve problems. 

Finding an unknown from a formula 

In this video you will learn how you can find an unknown from a formula when substituting all the information you know. 

Solving linear inequations

In this video you will learn what an algebraic inequation is. You will also learn what number lines have to do with it and some important rules. The last slide is linking an example to the learned theory.