Learning objectives 

At  the end of this paragraph you are able to...

...recognize an isosceles triangle.

...recognize a right-angled triangle. 

...calculate angles in special triangles. 

...use the sum of the angles of a triangle to calculate angles.

Explanation videos

Drawing triangles

In this video you will learn how to draw triangles when the measurements of their angles are given. You need to use your protractor triangle to draw the triangles. 

The elements of a triangle

In this video you are going to learn about the elements of a triangle. The elements of a triangle are the edges and angles. If you know three elements then you can often draw the triangles. However, in some cases you can't. In this video you will see some examples when you can draw the triangles. 


Book: Numbers and space


Page: 121 + 122 + 123

exercise: 60, 61, 62 , 66

Extra for VWO: 64

Check your answers with a different colour.