You have completed paragraph 6.3 Graphs if you have done one of the final assignments below. There are two different final assignments and you need to do at least one of them, which one you do is up to you! After you have done the assignment you need to hand it in.
The final assignment will check if you achieved the learning objectives of 6.3 Graphs

Learning objectives 6.3
At the end of this paragraph you are able to...
- ... calculate if a point is on the graph or not.
- ... draw the graph of a quadratic formula.
- ... explain the difference between a linear formula and a quadratic formula and the graph of the formulas.
Final assignments
You may choose between two different assignments, which one you choose is up to you. You need to do the final assignments in order to check if you have achieved the learning objectives.
Option 1

Maximum of 1 learner
You are going to make little booklet with two crossword puzzles and exercises with answers.
You need to use content-obligatory language in your crossword puzzles which will explain the difference between quadratic formulas en linear formulas.
How do the crossword puzzles need to look?
- You need to make two crossword puzzles. One crossword puzzle has to be about linear formulas & graphs . A question could be: How is (0, 0) called? --> Origin.
The other crossword puzzle has to be about quadratic formulas & graphs: The name for a graph with a curve --> nonlinear or a parabola.
- Also give the answers of the crossword puzzles on a different page.
- You need to use the pif words in the crossword puzzles as well.
- Describe everything in English.
- On a different page you should explain how to draw a parabola and you need to give an example which is not in the book and not on this website.
- Lastly, you need to make 3 different exercises where you will test if someone is able to draw a parabola; to calculate if a point is on the graph or not and where you test if they know the difference between a linear- and quadratic formula. You need to provide answers with intermediate steps as well.
- Laptop
- Paper
- Tip: You could use GeoGebra to draw the graphs digitally. You do however, need to draw one of the graphs on paper.
- You may use everything, be creative!
Hand your little booklet with two crossword puzzles in:
You need to hand everything you made in.
Option 2

Maximum of 1 learner
You are going to make a big puzzle by first designing a poster with theory, examples, exercises and answers, creatively displayed. After you did this you are going to make a puzzle by cutting the poster in little puzzle pieces.
What need to be in the puzzle?
- There should be an explanation about how to draw a parabola with an example.
- You must design three different exercises: one will test if someone is able to draw a parabola; second calculate if a point is on the graph or not and last one is to test if someone knows the difference between a linear- and a quadratic formula. You need to provide answers with intermediate steps as well.
TIP: put the answers on the back of the puzzle; a different spot; or put them on a additional paper.
- You may not use examples, theory or exercises from the book or site.
- You need to use PIF words and you need to describe them or display them.
- Paper
-Pair of scissors
- Colours
- Laptop
- You may use everything you like, be creative!
Hand you puzzle in:
You need to hand your puzzle in, in an attractive looking puzzle box. You also should plasticize your puzzle (you can do this at school).