Learning objectives 

At the end of this paragraph you are able to...

...successfully plot points in a set of axis.

...determine the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of a coordinate. the quadrants of a set of axis.

...give some synonyms for a "set of axis". 

Explanation video 

Plotting points

In this video you will learn how to plot points in a set of axis. You will also learn what an x-coordinate is and what a y-coordinate is. The last thing that you will learn is the quadrants of a set of axis. 


Haese & Harris 


Page 279 -281

Exercises: 1, 2, 4

Did you achieve the learning objectives? Why?

Fun activity 

Do you want to know if you mastered plotting points? Try this fun activity! Download it from the webpage for free and try to do it in your own notebook.

Especially for the ones who love to draw!


Plotting Points fun activity
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