Learning objectives

At the end of this paragraph you are able to...

...determine what the x-intercept is.

...determine what the y-intercept is.

Explanation videos

Graphing lines from equations

In this video you will learn the prior steps in order to be able to graph lines from equations. You will learn what the y-intercept is, what the x-intercepts is and what the standard formula for linear relationships is. 

Graphing using the y-intercept and the gradient

In this video you will learn how to graph equations using the y-intercept and the gradient.

Step 1: Encircle the gradient and the y-intercept and draw a set of axis.  

Step 2: Plot the y-intercept in your set of axis. This is the intersection point with the y-axis. 

Step 3: If needed: make a fraction of the gradient, you could do this by dividing the gradient by 1. 

Step 4: The numerator (top part) of the gradient is the vertical step, the denominator (bottom) is the horizontal step. 

Step 5: ALWAYS choose the vertical one (numerator) as the negative when the gradient is negative. 

Step 6: Draw the vertical and horizontal steps and plot the second point. 

Step 6: Draw a line through these points and extend the line, you are done now. 

Graphing using the axes intercepts

In this video you will learn how to graph equations using the axes intercepts. This means that you are going to learn how to use the y-intercept and the x-intercept to draw graphs. Please remember that you can calculate the x-intercept by making the y equal to zero. 



Page 291-292



Page 293; all exercises. please use a pencil while drawing



Page 294: All questions of exercise 1.