Learning objectives

At the end of this paragraph you are able to...

...explain when a gradient is negative and when a gradient is positive.

...explain when the gradient is equal to zero and when the gradient is undefined.

...calculate the gradient of a line using "vertical/horizontal".

...calculate the gradient of a line using the gradient formula.

Explanation videos

Gradient or slope

In this video you will learn what the gradient is and how you can calculate the gradient. You will also learn that the gradient is negative when the line goes downwards and that the gradient is positive when the line goes upwards. 

You will also learn that the gradient is equal to zero when you have a horizontal line. The gradient  of a vertical line is undefined. 

The gradient formula

In this video you will learn how to find the gradient using the gradient formula.



Page 287-290

Exercises 13E.1: 1efhi, 2acdehijl, 3c, 6cde

Exercises 13E.2: 1cd, 2ahj, 3, 4