6.6 FINAL ASSIGNMENT simplifying fractions
You have completed paragraph 6.6 Simplifying fractions if you have done one of the final assignments below. There are two different final assignments and you need to do at least one of them, which one you do is up to you! After you have done the assignment you need to hand it in.
The final assignment will check if you achieved the learning objectives of 6.6 Simplifying fractions
The criteria for the in-depth path is in pink.

Learning objectives 6.6
At the end of this paragraph you are able to...
- ... simplify fractions with and without letters.
- ... add fractions with letters with a common denominator.
- ... add fractions with letters without a common denominator.
At the end of this paragraph you are able to...
...explain where the lens formula is used for.
...rewrite the lens formula.
Final assignments 6.6
In order to check if you have achieved the learning objectives of 6.6 Simplifying fractions you are going to do a final assignment. You need to hand this assignment in. You may choose which final assignment you are going to do.
Option 1

Maximum of 1 learner
You are going to make a big poster about simplifying fractions. The poster must contain an explanation about simplifying fractions with letters; adding fractions with a common denominator and adding fractions without a common denominator.
You need to explain why you should learn to simplify fractions with letters
What needs to be on the poster?
- Your poster must look attractive.
- Your poster must have an explanation about simplifying fractions with letters; adding fractions with a common denominator and adding fractions without a common denominator.
- Your may not use the explanation/examples/exercises from the book and/or the website.
- Every subtopic needs to have two examples and three exercises. You also need to put the answers on your poster. However, the answers may not immediately be visible for the people looking at it.
- Be creative.
- There should be an explanation about why you need to learn how to simplify fractions with letters.
- Pair of scissors.
- Paper
- Poster
- Colours
- Laptop
- You may use everything you like be creative!
Hand your poster in:
You need to hand you poster in on paper.
Option 2

Maximum of 2 learners
You are going to make a video with an explanation, examples and exercises about simplifying fractions with letters.
You video must have a minimum of 3 minutes.
You need to explain why you should learn to simplify fractions with letters
What needs to be in your video?
- The video must have a minimum of 3 minutes.
- If you choose to make the video together, then you both must be in the video and you both need to speak equally long.
- The video must have an explanation about simplifying fractions with letters.
- The video must have examples which are not in the book or on the website.
- The video must have exercises with answers and intermediate steps. Those exercises are made by yourself.
- Before you start filming you need to make a plan. So, what are you going to do, where, how long is it going to take? etc.
- There should be an explanation about why you need to learn how to simplify fractions with letters.
- Phone or camera
- You may use everything you like, be creative.
Hand your video in:
You need to hand you video in digitally.