You have completed paragraph 6.1 Squares if you have done one of the final assignments below. There are two different final assignments and you need to do at least one of them, which one you do is up to you! After you have done the assignment you need to hand it in.
The final assignment will check if you achieved the learning objectives of 6.1 squares.
The criteria for the in-depth path are in pink.

Learning objectives 6.1
At the end of this paragraph you are able to...
- ... use squared numbers in a calculation.
- ... use square roots in a calculation.
- ... explain what a squared number is.
- ...explain what a square root is.
- ...explain the relationship between a squared number and a square root.
Extra learning objectives (in-depth path)
At the end of the lesson you are able to...
... explain others what a complex number is.
... explain others what a imaginary number is.
...calculate the square root of a negative number using the imaginary number (i).
Final assignments
There are 2 different options which will test if you have achieved the learning objectives. You need to do at least one of the 2 assignments. Which one you choose is up to you! If you are done, you need to hand it in.
Option 1:

Maximum of 3 learners
You are going to design a game. You are going design a game on paper or if you are able to design a game digitally, you may do that as well.
The game must contain squares and square roots. Be creative, you may design a board game, card game, digital game etc..
Your game also needs an explanation about square roots of negative numbers.
What needs to be in your game?
- Your game is or digitally or on paper.
- Your game must have 40 exercises about squares and square roots with answers & intermediate steps.
- Your game needs a instruction paper: How do people need to play your game, what may you use, etc?
- You need to explain the relationship between squares and square roots.
- You need to explain the difference between negative numbers squared with and without brackets.
- You may not use any examples from your book or from the website.
- 8 of the 40 exercises need to be about square roots with negative numbers.
- Paper
- Colours
- laptop
- Pair of scissors
- You may use everything you like, be creative!!
Hand your game in:
You need to hand your game in, digitally or on paper.
Option 2

Maximum of 1 person
You are going to make a booklet about squares and square roots. The booklet must contain an explanation about squares and square roots, examples and exercises with answers. You may make this booklet on paper or digitally.
There should be an explanation, example and exercises about calculating the square root of negative numbers.
What needs to be present in your booklet?
- The booklet needs to look attractive.
- There should be at least 15 exercises with answers in your booklet.
- The answers must contain intermediate steps.
- There should be an explanation about squares and square roots.
- There should be 4 examples in your booklet
- There should be a pif list with difficult words, those difficult words need to be explained in English.
- You may not use any examples from the book or from the website.
- Explain the relationship between squares and square roots.
- You need to explain the difference between negative numbers squared with and without brackets.
- Explain how you can calculate the square root of a negative number.
- You need to design 3 exercises where you need to use imaginary numbers.
- You need to design 10 exercises where you do not need to use complex numbers.
- Laptop
- Paper
- You may use everything you like, be creative.
Hand your booklet in:
You need to hand your booklet in.