6.3 IN-DEPTH PATH graphs
... there is no In-depth path for graphs. So, you need to look at the theory and the examples of the normal path and do the exercises of the normal path.
If you have any ideas for the in-depth path about graphs, please comment below!!!
The same as with a linear formula, you can draw a graph of a quadratic formula. Whereas the graph of a linear formula is a straight line, the graph of a quadratic formula is a smooth curve. This curve is called a parabola.
There are two types of parabolas, you can already tell because of the formula which type of parabola it is:
A cup parabola
y = x2

The x2 is positive so, the shape of the parabola is a cup parabola.

A cap parabola
y = -x2

The x2 is negative so, the shape of the parabola is a cap parabola.

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