6.2 SUPPORTING PATH quadratic formulas
Quadratic formulas are formulas who have a squared letter (a number multiplied by itself). Those formulas are used to calculate things in a fast and easy way.
Those are examples of how quadratic formulas look like:
- y = 5x2 + 2
- y = a2
- b=3c2
You also need to know how to calculate with those kind of formulas.
A princess is living in a big castle with a big garden in the shape of a square.
This is how her garden looks like:

The garden consists of squared bricks which are grey and the garden is enclosed with red roses.
One day, the princess decides to have a bigger garden and she calls her gardener. She asks him to make her garden two times as wide and two times as long. After he has finished he has to put the red roses back around her garden.
Before he is going to start she wants to know how many bricks + roses they need to have in total, this total is called the total amount.
The gardener is making a calculation for the princess:
He is giving the grey bricks the letter x.
The total amount of bricks+roses are called y.
There are 8 red roses, the 8 roses just stay the same, the gardener is going to enlarge the garden and afterwards he is going to put the 8 roses back, so the roses won't increase.



So, the formula that the gardener is going to use is: Total amount = Grey bricks . Grey bricks + 8 roses.
With the correct letters the formula will be:
y = x2 + 8
(Because x . x = x2 )
The gardener now has an easy way to calculate the total amount of brick and roses if the princes wants to enlarge her garden again.
The length of the garden consists of 5 blocks, if the princess is going to double it , it will consist out of 10 bricks. So, we have to fill in 10 for x.
y = 102 + 8
y = 100 + 8 = 108
So, the total amount of bricks and roses which the princess and the gardener will need is 108.
- Exercise 1:
Given the formula y = x2 + 1
a) Calculate y for x = 3
b) Calculate y for x = -3
c) Calculate x for y = 26
(Use intermediate steps!)

- Exercise 2:
Given the formula B = 4.1a2 + 2
a) Check that B = 20.081 when a=2.1
b) Check that B = 5.321 when a = -0.9
c) Tim picks a number for a and gets B = 412.
Which numbers could he have uses for a?
- Exercise 3:
Robin is playing tennis. For one of his serves the height h of the ball is given by the formula:
h = -0.1d2 + 1.2
where h is the height in meters and d the distance in meters.

a) Calculate the height of the ball for d= 2
b) What is the height of the ball at the start?
c) What is the height of the ball when it hits the floor?
d) At what distance does the ball hit the floor?