6.1  SUPPORTING PATH  squares


Squares are 2-D shapes because they are flat. The characteristics of squares are that they have 4 edges which are equally long. They also have 4 right-angles (90 degrees). You can see this in the picture below.

Square, math, mathematics, wiskunde, right angles
math, mathematics, wiskunde, afmetingen, metriekstelsel, measurments, meten, measuring

You can calculate the area of a square by using the following formula: 

Area square = length x width 

Exercise area square:

Calculate the area of the given square.

Square exercise, squares, 8 by 8, edges, math

A squared number is a number multiplied by itself. 

An example of a squared number is 5 = 25,  this is the same as 5 5 = 25 .

Another example is 32 = 9,  this is the same as . 3 = 9.  

A square root is the opposite of a squared number

An example of this is √25 = 5, because 52 = 5 5 = 25 

Another example is √9 = 3, because 32 = 3 3 = 9 


The square of a square root (√...)2 

( √5 )= √5 √5 = √25 = 5

( √7 )= √7 √7 = √49 = 7


You can also simplify square roots using multiplication:

√500 = √(5 100) = √5 √100 = √5 .10 = 10√5 

√32= √(16 2) = √16√2= √2 . 4 = 4√2



You have just seen that when you are calculating the area of a square  you need to multiply the length of the edges by itself. In the exercise above you did 8 8 = 64. 

A shorter way to write a number multiplied by itself is 82 this is exactly the same as 8 . 8. 


So, a number multiplied by itself is called a squared number. 

like terms, giraffe, the same, equal, math, mathematics, squares, square roots

A couple of examples:

  • Instead of writing down 5 . 5 = 25 we can write down 5= 25, this is a shorter way. 


52  is the same as 5  5

3 is the same as 3 .

26is the same as 26 . 26 


we call the ...2  a squared number. 5 is five squared, 3 is three squared and 26is twenty-six squared

  • You can also write the square numbers of negative numbers. Pay attention between the difference of negative numbers with and without brackets. 

With brackets

(-5)2  is the same as -5  -5 = 25

(-3) is the same as -3 . -3 = 9                       

You do square the minus sign

(-26)is the same as -26 . -26 = 676

Rules multiplication with negative numbers, minus times minus equals plus, multiplication, positive, negative, math

Without brackets

-52  is the same as -5  5 = -25

-3 is the same as -3 . 3 = -9                        

You don't square the minus sign

-26is the same as  -26 . 26 = -676

Square roots

A square root (√) is the opposite of a square. 


√25 = 5 because 5 . 5 = 52 = 25 

√9 = 3 because 3 3 = 32 = 9 

√676 = 26 because 26 26 = 262 = 676

Carrots, square roots, wortel, wiskunde, math, mathematics

!!You can not take the square root of a negative number because there is not a squared number where the answer has a negative outcome!!



  • √-16 = no answer 

Because. 4 = 4= 16  --> not -16 

                  -4 -4 = (-4)2 = 16 --> not -16 

So, the answer will never be -16 and that's why there is no answer (n.a.) of a square root with a negative number.

  • -√16 = -4

Because the -1 in front of the square root is actually a invisible -1 multiplied by the square root. You will get the following calculation: 

= -1 . √16 

= -1 . 4

= -4

The square of a square root √..2

You already know that opposite of  squaring a number is taking the square root of a number. 

So, √81 = 9 because 9= 9 9 = 81 

But, what happens if we square a square root? 


( √9 )= √9 √9 = √81 = 9

( √9 )=  ( 3 )2 =


( √4 )= √4 √4 = √16 = 4

( √4 )= ( 2 )= 4


( √5 )= √5 √5 = √25 = 5


( √7 )= √7 √7 = √49 = 7

You can see that the answer of the square root squared is equal to the number underneath the square root. A square and a square root cancel each other out.


  • Exercise 1


a) 62

b) (-10)

c) -9

d) 4+ 3 - 1 

e) 62 - 32

f) (7 - 6)

g) (1/4)2 + (2/3)

h) 7 - 62 : 3 

Order of operations pyramid, order of operations, rekenvolgorde, rekenvolgorde driehoek
  • Exercise 2


a) (-8)2

b) √81

c) -√121

d) √-144

e) √49 + 42 - 1 

f) 3 . √121 + 7 . √625